RTS Intercom and Broadcast Audio Rental
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RTS ADAM Frame Cards from Absolute Broadcast
Tri-Bus frame interconnect card for ADAM

​New System Architecture
The System Architecture has been redefined for the TBX-Tribus allowing the system to reconfigure itself in the advent of a frame failure. In the scenario where the master frame fails, another ADAM frame within the system seizes control until the fault is fixed. This fail-safe mechanism monitors both audio and control, messaging to prevent any corrupt behavior in the system.
Support for Multiple Distances
The backcard features three small form-factor pluggable (SFP) connectors that allow support for multiple distances. This allows the user to configure these cards based on their custom application. The user can insert Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) modules (Multi-Mode/Single Mode) to match their needs.
Autonomous Mode
Normally, a TBX-Tribus frame communicates with other frames that are part of the same intercom. However, if an Ethernet link is not present, the Tribus automatically enters Autonomous mode. AZedit also has a new option on the Intercom Configuration Options window (Options|Intercom Configuration|Options Tab) called “Force Autonomous Mode when no audio links up”.
Automatic Transfer of Control
Within each frame, both the active and the standby MCII-e maintain messaging links with every other frame over Ethernet. If the Active controller in the frame loses its messaging links, but the standby controller has one (1) or more available, an automatic transfer of control is performed. When this transfer occurs, the standby controller becomes the active controller and the previous active controller becomes the standby controller when its messaging links are restored.
Alarms and Warnings
A new view in AZedit displays various alarms and warnings that have occurred in the intercom system. Once an alarm has been resolved, it is deleted after five (5) minutes.
AZedit Connections
AZedit Connections (Options|Connect to Frame) allows the user to select the frame to which AZedit should connect.
Unavailable Tally Indicator
When a user turns a talk or listen key on to connect with a resource in another frame within the cluster, the key displays a busy tally, flashing between the Alpha and **, to indicate the resource is unavailable.
Each frame in an intercom cluster generates its own log messages and stores them locally. Normally, the log messages are identical from frame to frame, except when frames are synchronizing. Using the logging configuration window, you can select whether changes affect all frames in a cluster or just the locally connected frame.
A single TBX-Tribus fibre card can link up to four ADAM frames together and allow them to appear as one matrix system. This makes it possible to increase the number of available users on a system by transparently integrating additional frames. The ADAM frame must be equipped with a MCII-e master controller card, allowing the TBX-Tribus to link together multiple frames, allowing users to quickly connect multiple ADAM intercom systems. This functionality can be very useful in mobile production scenarios to tie systems together via fiber using the digital audio of the TBX-Tribus. In this scenario, the MCII-e master controllers are tied together via Ethernet connections. In a failure of the fiber or Ethernet link of one frame, the affected ADAM is automatically isolated as a fully functional 'Island' frame, and the remaining frame(s) function as a normal interconnected system. The TBX-Tribus works in both AIO-8 and AIO-16 frame environments with simple software settings in AZedit intercom software. The TBX-Tribus card is available only with fiber connection, allowing a range of up to 24.8 miles (40km) between ADAM frames. The TBX-Tribus surpasses the Dual Bus Expansion card with its superior channel capability, transmitting 256 audio channels rather than the 128 supported by the DBX.
Interface with ADAM
The TBX-Tribus card is fully backward compatible with all existing AES, AIO, and RVON cards in an ADAM intercom system. The hardware and software is completely compatible and seamlessly works with the TDM and control bus circuitry for routing audio and control data. This card provides a downloadable firmware feature through the intercom software AZedit.
Channels per Link
The TBX-Tribus has three fiber links. Each link can support up to a maximum of 256 audio channels per link. This channel capability is provided for AIO-16 systems. Moreover, the link can also be scaled down to 128 channels, allowing it to support AIO-8 based intercom systems.