RTS Intercom and Broadcast Audio Rental
office: +44(0)116 380 0163
Absolute Broadcast and SMPTE Network Nodes
Absolute Broadcast can ship our RTS ADAM and ODIN matrix systems with our Local Area Network over SMPTE node system. LAN is distributed to the gigabit switches from the matrix frames using SMPTE cable. This cabling is standard throughout the industry and provides waterproof connectors and rugged armoured cable design. OMNEO panels, ROAMEO AP1800 (access points) can then have access to the network at the point of use - drop a SMPTE node behind a production monitor stack, in a presentation studio or on a commentary gantry. Saves time, cabling and the system can use in built SMPTE tie lines in stadiums and other locations. In event locations that have no inbuilt cabling infrastructure, then additional SMPTE cabling can be rigged in addition to the ones used for cameras. Absolute Broadcast has three of these SMPTE network nodes. This whole system is on rental stock and we can also provide all the necessary SMPTE cabling required. The XLR connector seen next to the SMPTE LEMO connectors is wired to carry control data from the frame (pluggable) - it is then possible to run LCP 102 and PAP panels from the node end. We can provide destination cable assemblies for the XLR>D9 required by PAP's and LCP's. Our RVON stage boxes also have the option to use this system.

Absolute Broadcast has 3 x 2U SMPTE nodes

Absolute Broadcast's RVON I/O
nodes are also SMPTE LAN compatible